
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How To Keep Your Pets Safe During Backyard BBQs

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

With Memorial Day weekend just a few days away and the weather warming up to our usual spring and summer temperatures, we wouldn't be surprised if most of you are breaking out the grill to get ready for what might be your first BBQ of the season. Not to mention, May is National Barbecue Month! Whether or not you have a cookout prepared for this weekend's holiday, if you'll be hosting a BBQ at some point this summer, we want to make sure your pets are kept safe and sound.

Below, take a look at our favorite tips for keeping your pets safe during backyard BBQs:
Veterinarians Berkeley Heights NJ | Animal Hospital Berkeley Heights NJ
  1. Make sure your pet is wearing a collar. With you and your guests entering and exiting your home, via both your doors and possibly a gate, there is a greater chance of your pet slipping underneath your feet and getting away from you. Should your pet accidentally get out, you'll want him or her to have the proper ID so that neighbors know where to return him or her to. Bonus tip: if your pet will be allowed outdoors during your barbecue, consider keeping it on a leash so that it doesn't roam too far.
  2. Warn guests about people food. More people means more opportunities for your pets to get fed, but remember that your pets should not eat people food! Politely ask guests beforehand to keep their food to themselves (no matter how cute your pet may look), and have a bag of pet-friendly treats ready to give your pet instead.
  3. Keep grilling tools out of reach. In addition to your cooking utensils, make sure that items such as plastic wrap and tin foil are also kept high and out of reach - if your pet makes any of these grilling accessories their new chew toy, they could wind up with tummy troubles that require serious medical attention.
  4. Don't leave drinks unattended. If alcoholic beverages will be served, make sure that any open bottles or cans are always being watched while your pet is around. Although your pet isn't going to pick up the drink themselves, if something should get knocked over and spill, it can be super dangerous for your furry friend to start licking up the mess. 
  5. Use the grill away from guests. If your pet loves attention, you can bet they're going to flock to all of your guests. So, to keep them away from your grill and the hot flames/dangerous materials, make sure that you aren't grilling near the seating you've set up - if your guests aren't hanging out around the grill, there's a better chance that your pet won't be either!
Summer events and parties are meant to be fun for everyone, including all of your fur babies, so we encourage you to follow these tips during every backyard BBQ you host this year. But, if despite your efforts your pet should still pick something up that they shouldn't have, the veterinarians here at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital would be happy to provide the care they need - our relationship with Newton Veterinary Hospital makes our care available 24 hours a day.

For more information about the veterinary services we offer to pets in Berkeley Heights, New Providence, Murray Hill, and Summit, New Jersey, please call (908) 464-0023 today.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Benefits of Choosing Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

Veterinarians Berkeley Heights NJ | Animal Hospital Summit NJ
Whether you've just welcomed a brand new puppy or kitten into your family or have an older pet to care for, we know just how important it is to find an animal hospital that you can trust for all of your pet's health and wellness needs. After all, they're a very special part of your family, and if you're like us, you'd do just about anything to make sure that they're well cared for.

For those of you who live in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey or one of the surrounding areas, we at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital would be more than happy to provide the veterinary care your pet requires. Below are just a few of the many benefits that come with choosing our practice:

We offer 24 hour care.
Owned and operated by Dr. Don Costlow, owner of the 24 hour veterinary hospital Newton Veterinary Hospital in Sussex County, NJ, all of the patients at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital also have access to 24 hour emergency care. Our medical records can be accessed at any time from Newton Veterinary Hospital so that their emergency doctors can treat your pets quickly and safely regardless of the time of day.

We offer more than just basic services.
Our veterinarians are equipped to provide a comprehensive list of veterinary services, including vaccines, spays and neuters, dentistry, microchips, and surgical procedures! Regardless of what medical care your pet needs, we're confident that we have the solution you're looking for.

We've been in business since 1976.
We've been caring for animals for 40 years this year, so we have a ton of experience in the various procedures you can rely on us for. Between our expert veterinarians and our support staff, both you and your pet(s) will feel right at home with us, and we promise to deliver exceptional service that you can trust every time!

From the moment you walk into our office, you can rest assured that we're going to treat your pets like family - they're just as important to us as they are to you!

For more information about the veterinary care we offer, please visit us on our website. To make an appointment with us (the first exam for new clients is FREE!), call (908) 464-0023.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pet Parasites To Be On The Lookout For

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

Veterinarians Summit NJ | Veterinarians New Providence NJ | Pet Parasites
Part of being a pet owner requires you to know how to keep your pet happy and healthy, and that doesn't stop at just taking them to the vet for their routine check-up. Although parasites can take over all throughout the year, as it gets warmer and you start to spend more time outdoors, it's important that you know what to look out for in case your pet happens to pick something up. Read on to learn about the dog and cat parasites we want you to focus on throughout the upcoming season.

If your dog(s) or cat(s) are dehydrated, losing weight, passing diarrhea or have anemia, they may be infected with roundworms - specific to dogs, you might also noticed a "pot-bellied" look in puppies. Aside from becoming infected as a result of their mother being infected, the environment plays a large role in whether or not your pet will wind up with roundworms, so be sure to keep their immediate environment as clean as possible.

Pets are likely to contract fleas when they come into contact with other animals who are infested or if they are in an environment where fleas are living. An obvious symptom of fleas in dogs and cats are itching and scratching, and if it becomes severe, you may also notice hair loss, skin infections and inflammation. Additionally, although they are small, you may even be able to see what is called "flea dirt" on the surface of your pet's skin.

Ear Mites
Just like the name suggests, ear mites find a home in the ears of dogs and cats. As they feed off of the animal's ear lining, the dog or cat will show signs of scratching and/or head shaking to try and calm the itch. Since too much scratching can cause damage to an animal's ear, such as to the ear canals or ear drum, it's important that all pet owners take action when they see their pet shake their head and scratch their ears repeatedly.

Hookworms infect puppies and kittens by penetrating the skin through their belly or their feet, and then they attach to the animal's intestinal lining and tend to create bleeding internal wounds. If your pet appears to be weak or has pale gums, there is a good chance that they've been infected by this particular parasite - since severe infestations can be life threatening due to a loss of blood, these are symptoms you cannot ignore.

Regardless of the parasite an animal is infected with, it is extremely important to have them treated as soon as possible to prevent further illness. At Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we recommend an annual fecal testing for all dogs and cats to check for intestinal worms, an annual heartworm test for dogs, and a year-round parasite protection program for all animals - that also includes indoor cats!

For information about how our veterinarians can help animals who have been infected, as well as how we can help with parasite prevention, please give us a call at (908) 464-0023.

Friday, May 6, 2016

How To Make Your First Vet Trip Easy On Your Cat

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

If you have a cat at home, then you already know how difficult it can be to try and get them in the car to go anywhere, let alone to go the vet. But what if we told you that it doesn't actually have to be hard? That's right! As long as you know how to properly handle your cat and prepare them for their visit, you'll find that bringing them in for a check-up or procedure isn't so bad after all.

Veterinarians Murray Hill NJ | Animal Hospital Summit NJ | Veterinarians Summit NJ
For those of you who recently brought a new cat into your home, read on to learn how to make their first trip to the vet an easy one.

Introduce your cat to their carrier: Your cat should be comfortable on the car ride to and from the vet, so make sure that their first visit isn't also the first time they're placed in a carrier. If it is, they could experience some additional unwanted stress! Once you make an appointment with the vet, start encouraging your cat to use the carrier as a place to nap or spend some of his/her free time so that it becomes associated with pleasurable activities.

Take short drives around town: Although there are some cats who will just never be a fan of the car, you can help them get used to the idea of it by taking yours on short trips around town every once and a while. Even if you only drive around the block for your first few trips, just having your cat in the car for a few minutes will help them become more comfortable with the idea of driving.

Pack toys and treats: You probably don't enjoy the feeling of being poked and prodded at the doctor, so it's no surprise that cats feel the same way too. But since your vet will need to handle your cat for a bit to ensure it's in good health, it's always helpful if you bring one of their favorite toys and a treat or two that you can use to take their mind off of what's really happening.

At Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, our veterinarians understand that a pet's first visit to the doctor can be difficult - that's why we'll provide only the best care and do everything we can to help keep them calm! To schedule an appointment for their first exam (FREE for new clients!), contact us at (908) 464-0023 today.