
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pet Parasites To Be On The Lookout For

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

Veterinarians Summit NJ | Veterinarians New Providence NJ | Pet Parasites
Part of being a pet owner requires you to know how to keep your pet happy and healthy, and that doesn't stop at just taking them to the vet for their routine check-up. Although parasites can take over all throughout the year, as it gets warmer and you start to spend more time outdoors, it's important that you know what to look out for in case your pet happens to pick something up. Read on to learn about the dog and cat parasites we want you to focus on throughout the upcoming season.

If your dog(s) or cat(s) are dehydrated, losing weight, passing diarrhea or have anemia, they may be infected with roundworms - specific to dogs, you might also noticed a "pot-bellied" look in puppies. Aside from becoming infected as a result of their mother being infected, the environment plays a large role in whether or not your pet will wind up with roundworms, so be sure to keep their immediate environment as clean as possible.

Pets are likely to contract fleas when they come into contact with other animals who are infested or if they are in an environment where fleas are living. An obvious symptom of fleas in dogs and cats are itching and scratching, and if it becomes severe, you may also notice hair loss, skin infections and inflammation. Additionally, although they are small, you may even be able to see what is called "flea dirt" on the surface of your pet's skin.

Ear Mites
Just like the name suggests, ear mites find a home in the ears of dogs and cats. As they feed off of the animal's ear lining, the dog or cat will show signs of scratching and/or head shaking to try and calm the itch. Since too much scratching can cause damage to an animal's ear, such as to the ear canals or ear drum, it's important that all pet owners take action when they see their pet shake their head and scratch their ears repeatedly.

Hookworms infect puppies and kittens by penetrating the skin through their belly or their feet, and then they attach to the animal's intestinal lining and tend to create bleeding internal wounds. If your pet appears to be weak or has pale gums, there is a good chance that they've been infected by this particular parasite - since severe infestations can be life threatening due to a loss of blood, these are symptoms you cannot ignore.

Regardless of the parasite an animal is infected with, it is extremely important to have them treated as soon as possible to prevent further illness. At Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we recommend an annual fecal testing for all dogs and cats to check for intestinal worms, an annual heartworm test for dogs, and a year-round parasite protection program for all animals - that also includes indoor cats!

For information about how our veterinarians can help animals who have been infected, as well as how we can help with parasite prevention, please give us a call at (908) 464-0023.

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