
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree

You’re enjoying a quiet evening at home, sitting by the fireplace, when a giant monstrosity of an object is shoved into your house and placed in the middle of the room. It smells strange; it’s leaving a trail of it’s material from you to the door; and it’s at least 60 times your size. Yet, still, you have to explore it- maybe even climb the whole thing.

The scene above is basically how your cat feels when you bring home your Christmas tree. It’s a new experience for them, and if we know anything about our cats, it’s that they are very curious creatures. So follow these tips to cat-proof your Christmas tree and keep your kitty safe this holiday season.

  1. Consider the Type of Tree You Choose: A fake tree is actually safer for your cat, since the needles of a real tree can puncture skin and the pine itself is mildly toxic to animals. Also think about the size you pick- a smaller tree is better for younger cats who are more playful and likely to try to climb the tree.
  2. Don’t Decorate the Tree at First: Give your cat time to adjust to the tree being in their environment. Discourage them from going near it with a stern “No!” or by spritzing the tree with citrus or Bitter Apple spray, as this will deter cats.
  3. Watch Out for Certain Decorations: Avoid shiny or twinkling decorations since these will look like fun toys in your cat’s eyes. If you’re decorating with food, remember that chocolate is toxic to pets. Keep the tinsel stowed away as this can cause major medical problems if your cat ingests it. Pro Tip: Keep the majority of your ornaments at the top two-thirds of the tree, out of your cat’s reach.
  4. Secure Everything: Make sure your tree is held firm in a sturdy base. Use metal wires or clamps to ensure ornaments aren’t able to be swatted off by the flick of a paw. Tape down any loose electrical wires and even spray the wires with Bitter Apple to prevent your kitty from chomping down on them.

Christmas is stressful and expensive enough without having to worry about an emergency trip to the vet. Follow these tips to keep Fluffy out of your Christmas tree and safe in your arms.

For more tips about keep your pet safe this holiday season, follow us on Facebook and Twitter! If you are in Berkeley Heights, Summit, or New Providence, make Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital the trusted vet for your furry friend. Call us for an appointment at 908-464-0023!

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