
Monday, August 22, 2016

5 Signs That Your Cat Needs a Trip to the Vet

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

Whether it be for a routine check-up or to obtain medical attention for a problem or illness, part of being a pet owner means knowing when it's time to take your furry friend to the vet. Today, we're going to focus on cats - for all of you with a feline at home, would you know when a trip to the veterinarian's office is necessary?
Veterinarians Murray Hill NJ | Veterinarians Plainfield NJ | Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
Below, take a look at a few signs that suggest it's time to go:

1. They are making more noise than usual.
Some cats like to talk and some do not - here's where you need to know what type of personality yours has. If your cat tends to be on the quiet side, any time that they begin being more vocal than normal could indicate that they are in pain or distress. 

2. They are sleeping for too long.
Yes, cats can sleep for about 16 hours a day, but if they are sleeping for too long and/or are ignoring meal and playtime to get some more shut eye, it could mean that they aren't feeling their best. While they may just be experiencing a common cold, you'll want to have them checked out.

3. They aren't eating.
Cats that don't eat could experience extremely negative effects - for example, if they go two or more days without any food, they might develop hepatic lipidosis, which is fatty liver disease. Since this could go so far as to be fatal, it's crucial that you contact your veterinarian the moment you notice your cat hasn't touched his or her food.

4. They aren't using their litter box.
Cats will occasionally avoid their litter box if they feel it's not clean enough, however, if they continue to not use it, it could be a sign of something more serious. For example, your cat could have some type of infection or parasite that is preventing him or her from getting to the box on time.

5. They are losing a ton of fur.
Noticing some loss of fur on your cat is usually normal, but if you start seeing patches of fur fall off your cat in excess, it's time to get help. In some cases, this could be a sign of ringworm - cats with ringworm often lose fur in circular patches, which later reveals that they have scaly skin. On the other hand, this could have to do with fleas - losing fur could be an allergic reaction. Last but not least, the loss of fur could also be a sign of internal problems such as thyroid disease.

In addition to the above, it's also important for you to keep track of when your cat was last at the vet for a wellness visit - even if nothing is medically wrong, you should keep your cat up-to-date with their exams!

At Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we specialize in various veterinary care services, including vaccines, surgical procedures, spays/neuters, dentistry and microchips! So, whether your cat requires immediate medical attention (we are proud to offer emergency and advanced care!) or is ready for their next wellness visit, know that we are always available to help!

For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please call (908) 464-0023. If your cat will be a new patient of ours, their first exam is FREE!

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023
Veterinarians New Providence NJ | Veterinarians Summit NJ | Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
Did you know that today is Check the Chip Day? For those of you who might be unfamiliar with them, microchips are small, electronic chips that help with the identification of pets. They are about as small as a grain of rice, and they are injected under an animal's skin through the use of a hypodermic needle (don't worry, it's not that painful for pets, and for the most part it feels like a standard injection!).

Although pet owners never want or dream of having their pet be lost or stolen, microchips can help in the event that this does happen. How? Microchips are programmed with identification numbers that can be read by a microchip scanner - so long as the number is registered with the microchip company, anyone who scans your pet's chip can get information that is associated with it, such as your contact information. Once they have that, they can then get in touch with you and work on reuniting you with your pet!

According to Petfinder, the American Humane Association estimates that over 10 million cats and dogs are lost or stolen in the U.S every year - that's an extremely high number! Should your pet ever become one of the 10 million that are lost or stolen, a microchip can be the answer the finder needs to ensure your pet finds its way back home.

Things to keep in mind...

Since microchips help the finder get vital information about you, the animal's owner, you want to make sure that the information you have registered with the microchip company is accurate and up-to-date. So, for example, if you are moving, make sure that the company knows your new address and how they can reach you should your phone number be changing - if the information associated with the microchip is not correct, it'll be much harder to find you.

Also, keep in mind that microchips do not act as a GPS and cannot be used to help you pinpoint the exact location of your pet - they only contain the identification number your pet is assigned. Once the chip is scanned and the number is received, the finder can then get your information from the microchip company and let you know where your pet has been found.

While a collar is a must to help with the identification of your pet, a microchip is something that you must not overlook either. Here at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we recognize just how valuable a microchip can be, which is why we can help with having one put in your pet!

To learn more about our microchipping services or to make an appointment for one, please give us a call at (908) 464-0023.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Post-operative Care Tips for Pet Owners

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

Pet Surgery Berkeley Heights NJ | Animal Surgery Summit NJ | Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
After a surgical procedure, your pets need all of the TLC they can get. Even if the procedure was not too extensive and was just routine (such as spaying or neutering), your pets need to know that they can rely on you, their owner and ultimately best friend, to help them through the recovery process.

If you have a pet that will be undergoing surgery soon, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  1. Follow the discharge instructions. Your veterinarian provides you with post-operative instructions for a reason - follow them! From how much rest your pet needs to the food they should be eating, medications they may need and more, you should have a clear understanding of what is required of you to keep your pet happy and healthy following the procedure. Before you leave your vet's office, do not hesitate to ask any questions about anything you are uncertain of.
  2. Be gentle with them. It's no doubt that everyone at home will be excited to have their pet back, and we're sure your pet will be just as excited to be home too. However, your pet is going to need some time to heal, which means they likely won't be able to play and run around the same way they used to for a little bit. That said, remind all family members to be extra gentle when approaching your pet and when touching your pet.
  3. Make them comfortable. If your pet has a bed that they love to sleep in or a blanket that they love to rest on, prepare a spot for them with their favorite toys and accessories nearby so that they can rest and relax comfortably. Before they come home, you may even want to wash their blanket/bed so that everything is nice and fresh and fluffy for them upon their arrival!
Most importantly, don't forget to make time to cuddle and comfort your pet - your love and attention is extremely important to them! Whether you sit with them on the floor or have them set up nearby as you take care of household chores, what matters most is that you're there for them and providing the companionship they need to recover.

At Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, some of the surgical procedures we provide are dog and cat spays and neuters, cat declaws, suturing lacerations, foreign body removal, hernia repair, cystotomy, and gastronomy. Before any procedure our veterinarians will always perform a physical exam on your pet as well as a pre-anesthetic blood test to ensure that they are in good health and to create an anesthetic protocol specifically for them to keep them safe and comfortable.

Some of our post-operative instructions include:
  • Check your pet's suture area for signs of swelling, irritation or redness.
  • Monitor your pet to make sure they are not chewing or licking their stitches - an E-collar can be sent home with you if needed.
  • If your pet requires pain medication, follow the instructions provided and continue to monitor them for any signs of discomfort.
Of course, if you have any questions following your pet's discharge, please contact us so that we can help!

For more information about the surgical procedures we offer or to learn more about our post-operative care recommendations, please give us a call at (908) 464-0023.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tips for Traveling With Your Pet

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

There are still a few weeks of summer left, which means there is plenty of time available for you and your family to head out on a vacation before the back-to-school season starts. For some, that may mean packing up just the humans in the house, but for others, that may also mean packing up the family pet to bring them along too.
Animal Hospital New Providence NJ | Veterinarians Summit NJ | Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
If you have a summer vacation planned and know that you'll be bringing your furry friend(s) with you, here are some tips to help keep them happy and safe:
  1. If your pet isn't microchipped, they need to be for identification purposes. In addition to this, they should also have a collar on that clearly identifies their name, your name and your phone number so that someone can get in touch with you should your pet get loose during the trip. Bonus tip: you should also include where you're traveling to and from on your pet's collar.
  2. Aside from your pet having the proper identification on them, also make sure that their travel crate has identification information on it. Again, you should include their name, your name and your phone number, and it also wouldn't hurt to have information such as your address on it or a picture of your pet attached either. 
  3. Regarding the specifics of your pet's carrier, make sure it is large enough for your pet to be able to stand, sit, lie down and turn around. If you'll be taking your pet along with you on a road trip, make sure that the carrier is securely fastened within the car so that it doesn't move or slide back and forth, especially in instances where you may have to hit your brakes a little harder.
  4. Always prepare a travel kit specifically for your pet. That means packing items such as a water bowl (and water), extra food, a leash, some plastic bags, their favorite toy or two, and anything else that will help make your pet feel comfortable. 
  5. If you are driving to your destination, never ever leave your pets alone in a parked car. Even if you leave the windows open, a parked car can become extremely hot, extremely fast, and as you probably know this is extremely dangerous for animals. If you know you'll have to stop, make sure you're choosing places that are pet-friendly so your pets can go with you.
For additional travel tips, check out this article from The Humane Society of the United States.

Prior to leaving for vacation, it's also a good idea to have your pet seen by their veterinarian to ensure that they are in good health and ready for travel. For the best veterinary care in Berkeley Heights, Murray Hill, Summit, New Providence, Plainfield and Westfield, NJ, visit Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital. If your pet will be a new patient with us, your first exam is free!

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, please call (908) 464-0023.