
Friday, July 1, 2016

4th of July Safety Tips For Your Pets

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

Happy (almost) 4th of July! How will you be celebrating this weekend? Whether you have plans to grill in your own backyard or attend a neighbor's BBQ, we know that you may have the desire to keep or bring your furry friends with you. However, before you think about doing so, remember that your pet's safety should be kept top of mind.

To ensure that your pets are kept safe this weekend, we've collected a few safety tips for you to read through below.

Animal Hospital Murray Hill NJ | Veterinarians Summit NJ
  1. Keep alcoholic drinks out of reach. Unfortunately, alcoholic drinks can poison pets and cause severe harm, so it's important that all cups, glasses and bottles are kept well out of reach. But since there is always the potential for a spill, we highly encourage you to closely monitor your beverage (and ask others to do the same) so that if anything should be knocked over, you can clean up the mess immediately.
  2. Avoid feeding your pets table food. We know that it can be especially tempting to slip your pet some of your leftovers when they look up at you with those adorable eyes, but as hard as it is, you need to avoid giving in. That's because "people food" can be harmful to pets and cause an upset stomach or various other health issues.
  3. Make sure your pet has the proper identification. This tip applies to your every day, but especially on a holiday where people may be walking in and out of your home/yard constantly, make sure your pet is wearing the proper identification. This way, if they should accidentally slip out the door or under your gate, it is easier for friends, family members and neighbors help you find them.
  4. No party accessories! Planning to hand out glow necklaces and bracelets to your guests? If so, don't hand over any to your pets! Sure they may look cute with a red, white and blue necklace on, however, ingesting the luminescent substance inside can be harmful. Not to mention, if your pet chews on them and eats the plastic, they could wind up with some pretty major intestinal problems.
  5. Put pets indoors during fireworks shows. Fireworks sure are pretty, and we bet your pets would think so too. However, loud noises can be especially frightening for pets, and when subject to listening to them, it can be easy for them to get nervous and run for cover. That said, keep them inside the house and perhaps even turn on the TV so that you can drown out the loud booms.
For additional 4th of July safety tips, check out what the ASPCA has to say.

From all of us at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we wish you (and your pets!) a very happy and safe 4th of July. Should your pet need emergency care over the weekend, please give us a call at (908) 464-0023.

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