
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tips for Puppies Who Are Teething

Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital
269 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
(908) 464-0023

If you've ever had a puppy before, then you know that biting and chewing are natural behaviors, especially at a young age. However, if you haven't gone through this experience but plan to bring a new puppy home, then this type of behavior is something you'll have to get used to! 

Now we know what you may be thinking - will my puppy ruin my furniture, shoes and other household items during his or her teething phase? While they may resort to chewing anything they can get their little teeth on, the good news is that there are ways to help them develop better teething habits. Here's how:

  1. Use taste deterrents to direct your puppy away from items that you don't want them to chew, such as couches, tables, chairs, dressers and more. Puppies are smart enough to recognize when they don't like the taste of something, so applying deterrents around your home can help send them elsewhere for relief.
  2. Block off areas that you don't want your puppy to access, such as your closet if you don't want them to chew at your shoes. While this may require you to do some rearranging with your furniture for the time being, you'll be grateful once the teething phase is over and your personal belongings are still intact!
  3. Provide your puppy with chew toys that can keep them busy. When purchasing toys for your pup, keep in mind that their teeth are not as strong as adult dog teeth, so you'll want to choose products that are on the softer side.
Speaking of your puppy's teeth, don't forget about how important it is to care for them all throughout their life - taking care of their teeth is actually one of the best ways to extend the life of your pet! 

Our veterinarians recommend an annual dental exam and teeth cleaning for your dog so that their teeth and gums stay healthy for years to come, and we're available to perform various dentistry services such as these exams, oral surgery, dental extractions, ultrasonic scaling of the teeth, ultrasonic polishing of the teeth and more!

To learn more about our dentistry services, please call (908) 464-0023 today!

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