
Friday, September 18, 2015

The Best Age to Spay or Neuter

Here at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we recommend spaying or neutering your new furry friend at or around 6 months of age. Some argue that spaying and neutering pets too early can have negative consequences, but no studies prove this to be true.

The Best Age to Spay or Neuter

So what makes 6 months old a good age for spaying and neutering? Proponents assert that performing the surgery earlier in life can help curb obesity, prevent behavioral issues and reduce the risk of cancer in dogs and cats.

If you're considering whether or not to have your cat or dog spayed or neutered, keep the following points in mind:
  • Unspayed female pets are at a higher risk for mammary tumors and uterine infection
  • Female dogs and cats never completely stop going into heat, so there are potential problems of pregnancy at an advanced age
  • Unneutered males can develop behavior problems such as urinating in the house or spraying on the furniture; mounting people or objects; and aggressive tendencies making them less desirable companions
  • By spaying and neutering our pets, we can all help to reduce the overpopulation of dogs and cats.
Have additional questions for Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital? Dial 908-464-0023 to make an appointment or speak with a veterinarian.

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