
Monday, August 31, 2015

Living with Pets & Allergies

Just because you're an allergy sufferer doesn't mean you can't bring a pet into your home. True, you may have to clean more frequently and keep him nicely groomed. But we tend to think it's a small price to pay if it means getting to keep your beloved buddy!

Below, we present tips from the Humane Society of the United States on living with allergies and pets:

1. Get a proper diagnosis

Itching and sneezing when your cat is present doesn't necessarily mean you're allergic to him. It could be that you're allergic to a certain tree or flower that your furry friend happened to rub up against! Get an allergy test to figure out what exactly you're allergic to.

2. Create "allergy free" zones

If one or more people in your home are allergic to pets, build safe spaces for them. That is, don't let your pet enter certain rooms, such as the bedrooms or play rooms. Doing so will limit the amount of pet dander that collects in these zones.

3. Clean frequently

No one likes housework, but keeping your house dust- and dander-free means cleaning often. You also may want to wash certain articles such as couch covers and curtains.

4. Give your pet a bath

Most of us shower every day but give little thought to our pet's cleanliness. (Yes, they do clean themselves -- to an extent.) Grooming your cherished companion once a week can greatly reduce the amount of dander released into the air.

Having pet allergies doesn't mean you'll never be able to be a pet parent. Following these guidelines should keep symptoms to a minimum! For cutting-edge veterinary care, call Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital at 908-464-0023.

Get more tips by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube!

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