
Friday, July 31, 2015

Why National Mutt Day Matters

It's National Mutt Day, a day to celebrate and raise awareness for all of the homeless and sheltered mutts across the country. Choosing to adopt a mutt over a new born purebred has many advantages that people tend to overlook.

Shapes, Size, and Color - Since mutts are a combination of many different breeds, each dog will have its own unique look. You can choose from small, large, no tail, long tail, short hair and long hair in a variety of different colors. This wide selection of dogs allows you to pick the perfect pup to match your own unique style.

Health - When you adopt a dog you obviously want them to live as long as they can. Studies in Europe and North America show that mixed breeds have a longer lifespan than purebreds. Mutts are also less prone to disease. This is thought to be due to the theory of hybrid vigor, which means the mating of opposite ancestry produces a healthier specimen.

Money - Adopting a mutt can often be more affordable than the price of a purebred. (Although, all dogs need proper diets, vet visits, training, grooming, supplies and toys, etc.) Some shelters even offer discounts on adoptions, like on National Mutt Day! The Humane Society of Port Jervis/Deerpark Shelter offers 50 percent off of adoption of a mutt today, for those with an approved adoption application. For more information, click here.

Tranquility - Mutts are not as extreme in their behavior as purebreds are. When scoring friendliness, protectiveness, shyness, aggression, and stability, mixed breeds perform better. Purebreds also tend to be predictable in their extreme temperament that is specific to their breed. Mutts will have different characteristics from many of their different breeds of ancestry.

Adopting a mutt won’t just change your life for the better, but it could save their life as well. For every dog that is adopted from a shelter, that’s another dog that won’t be institutionalized, or worse, euthanized. Make a difference in a mutt’s life and they will for sure make a difference in yours.

When a dog finally gets a home, the owners need to make sure that they bring them to a veterinarian for routine visits. Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital has been providing veterinary care for your pets since 1976. Deciding that you want to adopt a mutt or already have a pet? Let our veterinarians treat them like they’re family! Call us at (908) 464-0023 to make an appointment today.

For more tips, connect with Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tips and Tricks for Traveling with Your Pet

Considering taking your pet with you on your summer vacation? If you're flying, follow these tips for a safe and smooth trip:

Book early. Every airline has its on rules when it comes to flying with your pet. Do some research to see which has the options you're looking for. When it's time to book, double-check that there's a sweat available for your dog or cat!

Tips and Tricks for Traveling with Your Pet

Stop by our office. You'll want to make sure your pet is fit for flying before takeoff. Call Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital at 908-464-0023 to make an appointment. Flying out of the US? Ask us about vaccinations.

Make it comfortable. Flying can be scary for a pet. Providing a comfortable carrier will make the journey a little less anxiety-provoking. Look for a crate that's large enough for your furry friend to stand up, turn around and lie down in.

Feed him four hours in advance. This should leave enough time for your cute critter to go to the bathroom before takeoff. If there's time, allow your pet to exercise as well.

Your summer vacation should be relaxing, not stressful. Follow these steps for a pleasant flight and a happy pet.

For more tips, connect with Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Pool Safety Tips for Pets

It is getting hot out there and a quick dip in the pool can be a great way for you and your furry friend to keep cool this summer. While a day by the pool sounds like fun, it can easily turn into disaster if you do not take the right precautions when it comes to pool safety for you pets!

Pool Safety Tips for Pets
Here are a few tips on keeping your pet safe this summer:

1. Limit access to the pool area

Putting a fence around your pool and keeping the gate closed is the best way to keep your pet safe from any accidental fall-ins. With a fence they can only get into the pool area if they are being supervised.

2. Get your pet a life jacket

Don’t just assume that your pet is a good swimmer. Buy your pet a life jacket, and then try to teach him how to swim. Even if your pet is a good swimmer, he can easily get cramps or become exhausted. By wearing a lifejacket, your pet will be less at risk.

3 .Keep the pool water drinking to a minimum

Pool water contains chemicals, chlorine and even sometimes algae. It is important to try and prevent your pet from drinking this water as it can cause her to become sick. Keep a bowl of clean water outside of the pool for your pet to sip from!

4. Pay attention to the heat

Heat from the sun becomes more intense around water. Make sure you keep an eye out for sunburn and heat stroke. Also be sure the surface around the pool is not too hot. Walking on hot surfaces can cause blistering on your pet’s paws.

5. Create an easy way in and out

It’s best to have steps that your pet can easily climb to get in and out of the pool. If he falls in, he needs to have easy access back out of the pool. While you are in the pool with your pets, teach them the proper way to enter and exit.

We want your pets to stay cool and healthy all year round. To learn more about pool safety for your pets give Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital a call at 908-464-0023. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & YouTube for more tips!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

It's All American Pet Photo Day!

Let your pet show off his pearly whites: It's All-American Pet Photo Day! Today, July 11, is a day to celebrate our furriest family member's photogenic side.

But not just any old pet photo will do. On All-American Pet Photo Day, try to get a few special photos of your pet or pets. Snap some pictures at your pup's favorite dog park, or get a shot of your cat doing something curiously cute. Whatever you do, use your imagination!

Before you grab your camera, read the following pet photography tips from California-based pet and landscape photographer Josh Norem:

Grab an assistant. Ask a friend or family member to help direct your pet's eyes in the camera's direction. No volunteers? A squeaky toy or noise-making smartphone app should work.

Be patient. Getting the perfect shot might require a bit of waiting around. You don't want to miss that perfect moment!

Focus on her eyes. "If the eyes aren’t in focus, the shot is wasted, end of discussion," advises Norem. You might need to take your camera off of auto-focus to accomplish this.

For more tips and tricks, read the full Digital Trends article here.

If your pet's teeth aren't quite photo-ready, then contact us at 908-464-0023. We can clean his teeth and help prevent tartar build-up and periodontal disease.

Are you celebrating All-American Pet Photo Day? Share a photo of your pet with Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital on Facebook, Twitter or Google+!

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Of course, if you'd rather get in touch on the phone, we have one of those too. Dial 908-464-0023 to make an appointment with Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital.